Q&A About School Boards
What is a school board and what does it do?
The Berkeley Unified School District Board of Education is comprised of five elected directors and two student directors, one chosen from Berkeley High School and the other from Berkeley Technology Academy. (Note: the current 2021-22 school board has one student director from Berkeley High School.)
Collectively, the school board represents the community’s voice in public education and acts as a single body to provide governance of the school district, including approving and overseeing the district’s budget and adopting policies that govern school operation in compliance with local, state and federal laws and regulations. It delegates authority for the district’s daily operations to the superintendent who oversees district staff. Individual directors do not have authority to act on behalf of the board and do not exercise authority over or direct staff.
Who are school board directors accountable to?
School board directors are elected by the public and represent the community’s voice in public education. As representatives of their community, they are accountable to the public and the district’s students.
What is the relationship between the school board and the superintendent?
The school board is responsible for employing and evaluating the superintendent; adopting policies, curriculum, and the district’s budget; overseeing the maintenance and development of facilities in the district; and negotiating and adopting collective bargaining agreements with the district’s unions.
The superintendent is the educational expert and is responsible for advising the board, managing the district staff and keeping the community informed. The relationship between the school board and superintendent and their ability to work together is a critical factor in how well a school system operates.
When are school board directors elected and who can vote for them?
In Berkeley, school board directors are elected in staggered four-year terms, with two seats up for election in November of Presidential election years (i.e. November 2020), and three seats in the following even-numbered November election (i.e. November 2022). Every registered voter in Berkeley can vote for school board.
Do school board directors get paid?
In Berkeley, school board directors receive $1,500 per month set by the Charter for the City of Berkeley (see Article V). The City Council has the authority to authorize cost of living adjustments.
Do school board directors have term limits?
Berkeley school board directors serve 4 year terms (see above link). There is no limit on the number of terms they can serve (similar to other elected positions in the city). Any proposal to amend or adopt term limits must be placed on the ballot for voters to vote on.
Is there a particular school board director assigned to me? Who should I reach out to if I have something to share?
School board directors are not assigned to individuals but each BUSD school site has one or more directors assigned as a board liaison to that school. For a list, see here. You may contact the director(s) assigned to your school (their emails and office hours listed here) or reach all of the board members by emailing them collectively at: boardofed@berkeley.net.